1. Introduction

This policy focusses on ensuring conformance to Human Rights at the workplace. This policy mandates the implementation of a commitment towards Protection of Human Rights of Global Calcium and also provides guidance for effecting the principles expressed in the Policy.

As an organization Global Calcium Pvt Limited conducts its business throughout the world. We respect nationally recognized human rights in its entirety. The organization complies with relevant human rights-related rules and standards established by the Laws of the Land Government of India, & State Rules and applies them to its corporate activities and business transactions. We endeavour to prevent and lessen any adverse impact on the human rights of GCPL Employees and its Business Members, as well as any expected adverse impact that may result from our business activities, products and services and related transactions.


2. Description

Global Calcium respects and supports the dignity, employee welfare and human rights of all stakeholders. Global Calcium is committed to developing a culture which inculcates respect and support to protect Human Rights and seeks to avoid involvement in Human Rights abuses. This policy is in accordance to the principles expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It is also in accordance to the OECD Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. The OECD Guidelines promote rule of law and safe civic space. They call on companies to respect the rights of human rights and environmental defenders, avoid and help remediate harm from reprisals, and promote safe space for those raising awareness about harmful business activity. This policy is devised much in alignment with such Global Guideline Principles.

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct (OECD Guidelines) are recommendations from governments to companies on how to act responsibly. The OECD Guidelines set non-binding standards for responsible business conduct across a range of issues important to communities, such as human rights, workers rights, and the environment, and also cover issues such as corruption and taxation.

Global Calcium would ensure conformance to fundamental labor principles including the prohibition of child labor, forced labour, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining and protection from discrimination (based on age, gender, marital status, differently abled, race, national/ regional origin, ancestry, indigenous status, personal beliefs, religion & spiritual practice, political affiliation, sexual orientation and HIV/AIDS) in all its operations by imparting relevant training and aligning the conduct of its employees.


3. Background – Human Rights and Sphere of Influence

We directly deal with our employees regarding Protection of Human Rights and no middlemen / agency, as we believe that our ability to influence and enforce is strongest when dealing directly with our own employees/contractors and direct business partners such as vendors, suppliers and subsidiaries where we hold a controlling interest. The policy scoped to cover Global Calcium and companies that are 100% subsidiaries of Global Calcium.

The Policy recognizes that Global Calcium will endeavour to promote the recognition of basic human rights as defined in the United Nations Global Compact.


Commitment framework

  • We have established internal rules for the protection of human rights, incorporating prohibitions of forced labour and child labour, protection of employees under various cadres and gender with strict anti- discrimination, promotion of equal employment opportunity and treatment, respect for freedom of association, protection for communication between labour and management, and recognition of group representation.
  • We comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to wages, including minimum wages, overtime payments and legally required employee benefits.
  • We comply with applicable labour laws and regulations regarding working hours, rest time, overtime hours, holidays and vacations. In addition, we endeavour to adopt reasonable total work hours to protect mental and physical health and allow our employees to lead a healthy lifestyle.

GCPL endeavours to prevent any adverse impact on human rights when developing and providing products and services.

We at GCPL encourage our suppliers, customers and business partners to understand our position and our policies regarding human rights and labour compliance. We work in collaboration with our suppliers, customers and business partners to monitor supply chain risks and take measures to prevent, reduce and remedy such risks.

We at GCPL comply with applicable internal rules relating to respect for human rights.

We at GCPL do not engage in discriminatory behaviour that may result in discrimination based on any of the following or any similar matters: age, gender, race, skin colour, belief, religion, social status, nationality, ethnic group, marital status, sexual preference, gender identity and gender expression, pregnancy, medical history, existence or non-existence of viral infection or similar, genetic information, existence or non-existence of disability, political party membership or political preference, labour union membership or history of military service.

We at GCPL respect the differing views and values of individuals and refrain from engaging in behaviour which ignores the value of the individual such as using hurtful language or engaging in any form of harassment or violence.

4. Dignity of all stakeholders

  • 4.1 Community (as a stakeholder) - Company should consult regularly with local communities in a sensitive and open process, and strive to achieve consensus with local people.
  • 4.2 Employees – Employees need to adhere to GCPL Code of Conduct and shall be treated with dignity and in accordance with the GCPL policy of maintaining a work environment free of all forms of harassment, whether physical, verbal or psychological.
  • 4.3 Contractors/ suppliers - Contractors and suppliers are expected to maintain a work environment free of all forms of harassment, whether physical, verbal or psychological. Global Calcium shall ensure that violations within our premises are addressed appropriately.


5. Social Welfare

Company sees following steps as essential:

  • 5.1 Physical and mental health of stakeholders involved in workplaces of the Company (employees, contractors, etc):
    • 5.1.1 Making available clean, potable water in the workplace
    • 5.1.2 Supplying protective equipment and training necessary to perform tasks safely
    • 5.1.3 Ensure that company operations do not adversely impact long term health of individuals’
    • 5.1.4 Not subject pregnant or breastfeeding women to conditions that would be harmful for them. Company will grant breastfeeding women reasonable breaks and a designated area where feasible for breastfeeding during work hours
    • 5.1.5 When operating in areas where contagious diseases are endemic, providing appropriate information and training to mitigate risk
  • 5.2 Maternity related: Company will,
  • Provide women with maternity leave for the period as prescribed under the Maternity Benefit Act, without risk of losing their employment or responsibilities (being reviewed to further enhance the maternity leave beyond prescribed period)
  • Grant women temporary leave in case of illness or complication related to pregnancy or birth, without risk of losing their employment

Global Calcium will:

  • 5.3 Injury & illness: This covers an individual with a temporary or permanent disability, physical or otherwise.
  • Provide emergency care as necessary
  • Give reasonable time to recover from the injury or illness
  • When the individual returns, Company will ensure that injured/ ill individuals are given appropriate duties and assistance while they recover from the injury or illness. This might include making reasonable adjustments to the workplace, although these should not cause the business unjustifiable hardships.


6. Culture of respect & support for Human Rights –

Global Calcium acknowledges human rights of its Stakeholders and it forms the central part of our community relations:

  • 6.1 Understanding the perspectives of local people through consultation & respecting their rights:
  • 6.2 Company shall strive to understand the impact that operations can have – and that, it is often,the unintended consequences that cause problems for local people, including minorities or indigenous people
  • 6.3 Company should create awareness among our employees of the perspectives of local people’s attitudes, beliefs and values which need to be protected


7. Conditions of work & wages:

  • 7.1 Being trained to work and then working in safe, healthy and environmentally responsible ways comes first and foremost. Factory Act 1948 form the basis for recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases in the organization:
  • 7.2 Ensure that wages are in accordance with the Minimum Wage Act & law of the land. Ensure that employees are fairly remunerated, and that wages are regularly reviewed in a fair process


8. Privacy:

Company will

  • 8.1 Ensure that, upon request, individuals will be made aware of personal information that the business maintains on them, where it is held and how it can be updated
  • 8.2 Not ask workers about their health or pregnancy status except when the status is directly relevant to the performance of job duties, and seeking to keep such information confidential
  • 8.3 Ensure adequate protection of personal information held by the company
  • 8.4 Only provide an individual’s personal or other information to government authorities to the extent required by law and upon request, or with the individual’s permission
  • 8.5 Seek to minimise the use of monitoring, surveillance and security measures that may invade the privacy of individuals to the extent practicable, and using such measures solely for the legitimate business purpose of protecting its assets and the safety of its workers or others.


9. Avoiding involvement in Human Right abuses:

Company will ensure its non-involvement in human right abuses related to:

  • 9.1 Child Labour
  • 9.1.1 We need to make, our contractors, suppliers and others with whom we have a substantial involvement, strongly aware of the standards, which we expect from them regarding child labour and its consequences
  • 9.1.2 We shall ask for undertaking on non involvement in child labour from our suppliers/ contractors. If in doubt/ as required, Company will monitor their employment practices through surveys, site visits and audits.
  • 9.1.3 Company shall opt for a strategy of constructive engagement with offending suppliers, rather than simply terminating contracts with them. However, if there is no positive impact observed in the employment practices of contractors/ suppliers and others; Company must terminate the business dealings.

  • 9.2 Forced Labour
  • 9.2.1 Company will not make use of slave, forced or compulsory labour in any form
  • 9.2.2 The company will ensure that employees are free to resign
  • 9.2.3 We shall make our contractors, suppliers and others with whom we have a substantial involvement strongly aware of the standards, which we expect from them.
  • 9.2.4 We shall ask for undertaking on non-involvement in forced labour from our suppliers/ contractors. If in doubt/ as required, Company will monitor their employment practices through surveys, site visits and audits
  • 9.2.5 Company shall opt for a strategy of constructive engagement with offending suppliers, rather than simply terminating contracts with them.
  • 9.2.6 However, if there is no positive impact observed in the employment practices of contractors/ suppliers and others; Company must terminate the business dealings.


10. Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining

  • 10.1 Freedom of opinion and expression: Company deems it completely open for all its employees and stakeholders to freely express their opinions without any fear of retaliation.
  • 10.2 It is the choice of each employee as to whether or not they wish to join a trade union, and company respect those choices
  • 10.3 Freedom of Association is enshrined under Constitution of India in the Trade Union Act. GCPL Code of Conduct on regulatory compliance requires Company to comply with all laws of land and go beyond compliance wherever possible. In this spirit, freedom of association is engrained in Company’s Values
  • 10.4 Employees doing the same work to the same standards of flexibility and productivity will receive comparative remuneration and employment conditions, whether employed under individual or collective agreements


11. Protection from discrimination –

Company employs on the basis of job requirements and does not discriminate on grounds of age, ethnic or social origin, gender, sexual orientation, politics or religion. Company may make exceptions to favour local employment where local laws provide.

Company will not discriminate, directly or indirectly, based on the age of the person. Company will ensure not to treat anyone less favourably because of their actual or perceived age.

Company will not discriminate on the basis of gender on any aspect of employment (hiring, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment) and will establish employment targets to maintain gender balance

Company shall not support any specific political party or candidate for political office. While Company respects individual's political affiliation or beliefs, any such activity may be taken outside the Company premises and Company's resources should not be used (e.g. Working hours, infrastructure, etc)

Company shall not support any specific political party or candidate for political office. While Company respects individual’s political affiliation or beliefs, any such activity should be done outside the Company premises and Company’s resources should not be used (e.g. Working hours, infrastructure, etc)

  • 11.1 Age
  • 11.2 Gender
  • 11.3 Marital Status
  • 11.3.1 Company will not discriminate because of marital status (i.e. single, married, in a de facto relationship, separated, divorced or widowed)
  • 11.3.2 Company will treat fairly and not ask discriminatory questions that point to marital status or family issues
  • 11.3.3 Company is fully aware and shall communicate its employees that Men & women, without any limitation, have the right to marry as per the local laws

  • 11.4 Differently abled
  • 11.4.1 All differently abled will be treated with dignity and respect.
  • 11.4.2 Company will provide necessary facilities that should be available to disabled people that include blind, partially blind and handicapped (whether physically or mentally)
  • 11.4.3 Company will not do such things, which expose differently abled to undue hardships (for eg: asking them to lift heavy objects etc.)

  • 11.5 Race
  • 11.5.1 Company will not tolerate any racial harassment like racial slurs, offensive or derogatory remarks about a person's race or color, or the display of raciallyoffensive symbols
  • 11.5.2 While defining and implementing policies, the sensitivity to traditions/ cultural aspects shall be ensured.

  • 11.6 National/ Regional origin and ancestry
  • 11.6.1 Company will not discriminate on the basis of origin/ancestry on any aspect of employment (hiring, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment).
  • 11.6.2 Company will allow workers to speak their own language in the workplace when this does not interfere with their ability to fulfil their job responsibilities or adversely impact workplace health, safety or security
  • 11.6.3 Company will respect language, culture and values of indigenous people

  • 11.7 Political affiliation:
  • 11.8 Political affiliation:
  • 11.9 Sexual orientation:
  • 11.9.1 Company will not collect data on sexual orientation
  • 11.9.2 No discrimination will be made based on the sexual orientation of the person

  • 11.10 HIV/AIDS:
  • 11.10.1 Compliance:
    The Company's policies on HIV/AIDS with regard to its employees will, at a minimum, comply with all relevant Central and State legislation and the Company will implement all policies and directions of the Government regarding HIV/AIDS whenever issued
  • 11.10.2 Safe and Healthy Workplace:
    It is the Company's objective that employees will have access to health services to prevent and manage HIV/AIDS
  • 11.10.3 Non-discrimination: The Company will not discriminate against any employee infected by HIV/AIDS with regard to promotions, training and other privileges and benefits as applicable to all employees. A HIV positive employee will be allowed to continue to work in his/her job unless medical conditions interfere with the specific job being done, in which case reasonable alternative working arrangements will be made; or the employee is incapacitated to perform his/her duties and is declared medically unfit by a medical doctor, in which case the employee will be assisted to rehabilitate himself/herself outside the Company


12. Continuous Improvement

GCPL is committed to continuously strive to revise the policies and procedures from time to time as according to the applicability of the current situations and scenarios.