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Nutritional Supplements

Adults/Kids/Pregnant-Lactating Mother/Diabetic /weight Management

Milk and Milk Products Fortification

(Dairy Cal , Vitamin AD premix/Vitamin ADE premix)

Beverage Applications

(Electrolyte drink/Energy drink/Fruits Juices & other herbal drinks)

Wheat Flour/maize Flour Fortification

Micronutrient Premix (Biscuits/Bread/Noodles)

Edible Oil Fortification

(Vitamin A/Vitamin D & Vitamin E premix)

Pharmaceutical Applications

(Multivitamins/Multi minerals Tablet)

Speciality Nutrient Premix

(Inositol, Taurine, Carnitine Etc)

Customize Vitamin Premix


  • Propriety blends of Minerals, Vitamin, Amino Acid & Speciality Nutrient
  • Formulations were designed based on RDA as well as customer requirements
  • Adequate overages were added by considering processing & Storage losses
  • Free flowing /Compatible with other ingredients
  • International Standard Laboratory facility equipped with capabilities of testing Lead, Arsenic, Mercury & cadmium
  • DSIR Certified Laboratory facility
  • FSSAI /FSSC Certified Mineral/Vitamin Premix
  • GAIN approved facility
  • Cold storage facility for all Vitamin to maintain the stability

Advantage of using Micronutrient Premixes

  • Blending all ingredients into an easy-to-use, one- item premix
  • Reduce your number of inventory line items
  • Reduce coordination and importation of multiple ingredients
  • Reduce potential production errors when dealing with expensive and small quantity ingredients
  • Blend is customized to meet your desired or specific nutritional needs/claims